Our Lady of the Sacred Heart High School

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Tuition & Financial Aid FAQs

Applying for Financial Aid

All applications for OLSH Tuition Assistance are made using the FACTS Grant & Aid Application.


Click here for step by step instructions.


Access the OLSH Tuition Assistance Application by clicking here.
Families will be notified when the FACTS application for the next school year is open. The application deadline is generally March 15 for incoming 9th graders, and March 30 for returning upperclassmen. The application must be completed in its entirety, including copies of the previous year federal tax returns with all schedules and W-2s.

Financial eligibility is determined by the monetary guidelines established by the state of Pennsylvania for the Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program in association with the materials submitted in the application process through FACTS Tuition Management System.


Students are generally eligible for OLSH financial aid if their family household incomes are less than $112,348 plus $19,775 for each dependent child in the family (2024-2025).


Aid packages vary based on individual circumstances.

No. OLSH requires families who receive or are seeking financial assistance to reapply each year. As long as the student remains at our school, financial assistance will be renewed each year according to demonstrated need and if the family has met all of the filing deadlines. 

Changes in circumstances such as income, family status, and the number of children attending OLSH may result in increases or decreases in an award. However, unless there is a significant change in either a family's economic status or the budgetary status of the school, awards are frequently renewed at the previous year's amount. Each application is reviewed annually.

Yes. OLSH requires all families who wish to be considered for financial aid or need-based scholarships to reapply for aid each year.

Yes. If you do not apply for assistance by the published deadlines, your chance of receiving financial assistance is significantly reduced. Please do not wait for acceptance from our school to apply for aid, as it may be too late.

To ensure that your aid award is reserved for your family, make sure to complete the other steps toward application for admission. This includes submitting the application, obtaining your child's academic records, completing the acceptance paperwork, and turning in your $100 non-refundable deposit as soon as possible.
You will need to complete your taxes early enough to meet the deadline (March 15) in order to be eligible to receive a financial assistance award. If you have questions regarding this policy, please feel free to contact our office for clarification at [email protected] or (412) 262-6421.

If your circumstances change after you submit your application, please contact the Business Office.  The OLSH Financial Aid committee will review the situation, and awards will be based on your demonstrated need and our available resources.

Yes. To appeal your financial aid package, please contact the OLSH Business Office. An in-person meeting may be scheduled or you may be asked to collect more information or documentation to support your request for additional aid.

Yes, it is possible. Because OLSH is an independent ministry of the Felician Sisters and is self-sufficient in providing aid to our families, we have a larger pool of funds to draw from to support our families and we have the flexibility to work with our families’ unique circumstances and take outside factors into consideration. We encourage you to reach out to our Business Office if you have questions regarding qualifying for assistance.
Yes. OLSH offers a family grant for those enrolling two children at OLSH. The AAC Fee is capped at $750 per family. Please contact the OLSH Business Office for information regarding available grants for families enrolling three or more children at one time.

Yes. Even if you are applying for aid at another school, you will still need to submit an application through FACTS for OLSH. However, if your other children are attending a school that also utilizes FACTS for awarding aid, you can log-in to OLSH FACTS login page using your pre-existing username and password and simply add OLSH to your account. This will enable you to submit one application to all eligible schools. For assistance linking multiple schools to your account, please call FACTS 24/7 Customer Service at 1-866-441-4637.

Tuition paid to other private schools and college is taken into consideration when determining the level of aid awarded from OLSH. OLSH does not consider tuition paid for children beyond the undergraduate level (such as masters and doctoral degrees) when determining eligibility for aid.

No. OLSH is not currently able to offer free or reduced lunches to our students. However, occasionally donors come forward to assist families with lunch account payments. In order to be eligible for any potential funding, you must have a completed financial aid application on file AND be making consistent tuition payments throughout the year.

No. Any financial aid awarded is applied solely to the total tuition amount for each family.

Diocesan Bishop's Education Fund: Application due March 15

The Diocese of Pittsburgh's Bishop's Education Fund (BEF) program is independent of the OLSH tuition assistance program. BEF monies are available for families applying to OLSH who are registered members of a Catholic parish within the Diocese of Pittsburgh. These monies are available on a first-come, first-served basis from the Diocese, and are typically awarded over the summer.

To apply for BEF monies, complete your FACTS application for OLSH as normal, indicating your intent to apply for BEF where listed in the application. Be sure to also complete the Pastor Verification Form, have your pastor sign the form, and submit it to the OLSH Business Office as soon as possible.

The Children’s Scholarship Fund: Application due May 31

Students who live within the boundaries of a low-achieving school are eligible to receive funds from the Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) program through The Children’s Scholarship Fund of Pennsylvania (CSFP).  The low-achieving schools are determined annually by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and can be viewed on their website Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit Program (pa.gov).

The amounts awarded through CSFP vary from year to year but have historically ranged from 20-30% of a student’s remaining balance after other financial aid was applied.  The OLSH Business Office will notify families when the application period is open, and it is the responsibility of the family to submit necessary paperwork to the program. 


Junior Achievement of Western Pennsylvania (JA): Application due Spring

Students participating in a JA program are eligible to apply for special scholarships offered by JA. OLSH students may join the JA Volunteers group at OLSH which travels to local elementary schools to teach JA lessons. OLSH also offers a JA class to students in the spring. Learn more about Junior Achievement.


The Crossroads Foundation: Application opens October

OLSH is a host high school for Crossroads Foundation Scholars. This program provides financial and academic support to students demonstrating potential and financial need. Learn more about the Crossroads Foundation.


Other Opportunities

Additional aid may be available through other local non-profit organizations including the Knights of Columbus, The Kyle B. Wilson Foundation, and the The Poise Foundation. For more information on these programs please visit their websites. Please note that additional scholarships may be available through other organizations such as your parish, elementary school, American Legion, and others.

Tuition & Payment Plans

OLSH offers five payment plan options:
• a one-time payment in August (discount applied)
• a two-time payment in September and February
• quarterly payments in September, December, March, & June
• a 12-month monthly installment plan from July to June
• a 10-month monthly installment plan from September to June
The monthly installment plan allows parents to spread tuition payments, interest-free, over a 12-month period. Families are required to select a payment plan by June 1 for the following school year. Families signing up after June 1 will have payments spread over fewer months, resulting in a higher monthly balance due.
Initial payment dates vary based on the payment plan selected. You can elect to make your payment on the 1st, 15th, or 20th of the month.


  • The AAC Fee ($500 or $750 maximum per family) The AAC Fee helps to cover the costs of operating and maintaining the Angela Activities Center, where OLSH students learn, study, compete, practice, eat, socialize, and relax.
  • Technology Fee ($100 per student) The Technology Fee covers the costs of equipment, licensing, and ongoing maintenance for the OLSH Chromebook Initiative
  • The Graduation Fee ($100 per senior student) is assessed to every senior student at our school and covers the cost of the cap and gown, diploma, diploma cover, and defrays other expenses associated with the graduation ceremony.


Individual sports and activities may change participation fees or require fundraising, as needed.

Arrangements can be made (in writing) with the Business Office and/or Finance Committee, should a family not be able to meet their monthly tuition bill until later in the school year. Every effort should be made to meet as much of the monthly payment due as possible, as OLSH relies on tuition income to meet the school’s monthly budget.
The final tuition payment for all underclassmen is due by June 15 of the current school year. The final tuition payment for seniors is due May 15 to allow for requirements to be met prior to graduation.

OLSH tuition for the 2023-2024 school year is $12,500. Each spring the OLSH Board of Directors reevaluates the tuition amount, with regard to the proposed school budget and inflation. A family grant is available for subsequent children enrolled in the school. 

No, OLSH does not have a fundraising requirement. However, families are encouraged to participate in annual giving through the student-led Charger Challenge fundraising campaign, which helps to offset costs for the current academic year. Individual sports teams, extracurricular groups, and school activities or special events may also choose to require fundraising, as needed.

For Financial Aid and Tuition questions, please contact:
Business Manager
(412) 262-6420
Assistant Business Manager
(412) 262-6421